Wednesday, June 23, 2010

EclipseLink 2.1.0 Helios Release Now Available

Hi all,

It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce the release of EclipseLink 2.1.0 (Helios). This release of brings a number of exciting features many of which were voted on, and chosen by the community.

Some of the JPA features included in this release are
- improved JPQL enhancements, and extensions including 'TREAT...AS' and 'FUNC'.
- Fetch, Load, Copy & Merge of partial entities using 'AttributeGroup'
- extentions to 'eclipselink-orm.xml'
- Dynamic Persistence: JPA without requiring Java classes.
- New Platforms: SAPNetWeaver Server Platform and Symfoware Database Platform
...and more...

Some of the MOXy features included in this release are
- JAXB 2.2.0 certified
- JAXB without annotations using externalized mappings in XML
- 'Dynamic Persistence': XML Binding without Java classes.
...and more...

Some of the SDO features included in this release are
- Support for EclipseLink SDO usage with 'WebSphere' and 'JBoss'
... and more...

Some of the DBWS features included in this release are
- Support DBWSBuilder-generated JAX-WS Provider on JRockit
- Support for Eclipse WTP Dynamic Web Project structure

2.1.0 also includes bug fixes that focus on performance, scalability, and stability. There were well over 300 bugs and enhancement requests closed for this release.

For a full list of features, and download instructions please see .

We would like to thank everyone involved in the development of this release.

Peter Krogh and Douglas Clarke